Enigma Industrial extension is out!

Enigma Industrial extension is out!

Finally a new Enigma’s extension is out! The transition from prototyping to production is simple thanks to the Enigma Industrial extension. The new industrial extension board This extension board (or carrier) for the Enigma CPU module is ready for industrial applications thanks to the 24V (range 11-36V) DC power supply and its standard terminals. The TFT…

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Cosino Industrial extension is out!

Cosino Industrial extension is out!

Finally a new Cosino’s extension is out! The transition from prototyping to production is simple thanks to the Cosino Industrial extension. This extension card (or carrier) is ready for industrial applications thanks to the 12-24V AC/DC power supply and the connections to the terminals. The TFT display with LVDS and TTL interface make it a…

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Quick Prototyping Workshop with Linux board

Quick Prototyping Workshop with Linux board

Ready, set, GO! Are you ready to sign up to the first workshop dedicated to Cosino Mega 2560 Board? Next May 11th at Multiverso site (Florence – Italy) you can follow a complete course of quick prototyping using a GNU/Linux embedded system designed to industrial and control automation applications. Don’t miss this event! See Multiverso site for further…

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