DALI (Digital Addressable Lighting Interface) is a common interface for lighting devices, like lamps and LEDs. It’s capable to control up to 64 devices per bus, 16 scenes of illumination and 16 groups to control more devices together.
DALI systems are used in several places like offices and homes. The efficiency of this bus permits to use it in several environments. It uses an high voltage differential bus immune to disturbs.
With the Cosino Dali2560 expansion board you can test and build up your home automation projects. We developed a web interface which permits to manage your lamps in different rooms from a portable device, like smartphones and tablets.
The GNU/Linux part of Cosino runs a web server with an application written in PHP and jQuery providing the user interface and a deamon that listens for users’ commands on a TCP port and converts them into low level DALI commands for the Mega2560 part of the Cosino board running the Dali2560 program. Several kinds of devices can be added with in a specific module.
In the next video the first submitted command is the Remap which assigns to each device on the bus an unique address and then populates an SQL database for future connections to the system. Then from the web interface we can set the name of each detected devices and the room where they are present. In the end the square panel of the device makes available all the supported functionalities to the user.

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