DALI (Digital Addressable Lighting Interface) is a common interface for all components of a lighting systems, the international standard are IEC 62386-10x and IEC 62386-20x.

There is a wide range of DALI electronic control gears and dimmer for fluorescent lamps, compact fluorescent lamps, tungsten-halogen lamps, high pressure discharge lamps and LEDs.

Here a Cosino based implementation of a DALI master with networks connectivity via TCP/IP thanks to Linux support. The system could be equipped with 2 or 4 independent DALI channels. Up to 64 DALI-based luminaries per DALI channel can be controlled individually or via 16 groups.

The Mega 2560 library handles the communication between the Linux system and the slaves on the bus. It translate the High-level commands from the network through GNU/Linux Os in DALI instructions for the slaves according with the standard.

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Cosino based implementation of a DALI master with networks connectivity via TCP/IP thanks to Linux. The system could be equipped with up to 4 independent DALI channels.

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